My first week at Heathfield CC
On my first day of Year 7, I woke up feeling very nervous but I felt immediately at ease when I arrived at school. This was because of how welcoming everyone was; it was nice to have just Year 7s on the first day as it helped me settle in. The thing that shocked me were the teachers - they were unbelievably kind to me and all of my friends. Staff stood around the hall and were able to tell me where to go to all my lessons, which made me feel a lot more comfortable. We were given clear directions and some even took us to our classes themselves!
The work that we started with in class was good work to settle us in and we got to learn lots of names (teachers and students!). I had Drama on my first day and we helped our teacher to learn our names in a very funny way - through a game! This also helped me learn the names of the people in my form - I can now name almost everyone off by heart mainly because of that fun lesson.
After a few days it was easier to get to my main classes like French and Maths as I had been to them the most so far. Getting around is not as bad as you think! Also something that is not bad at all, the food! The thumb-print system is very effective and gets food given out quicker. Pizza, sausage rolls and baguettes are available to take away. Different hot foods are available and they even did doughnuts which I had and were amazing! Definitely one of my favourite foods there.
I’m glad I came to this school and to any new parents arriving next year reading this, show it to your kids and they will hopefully feel less nervous about coming to this outstanding, one-of-a-kind place which I am very lucky to go to.
Jemima FitzGeorge-Balfour, Y7